Red Lechwe is adapted to the habitat of marshlands, swamps and shallowly inundated floodplains.

Red Lewche are losely related to the Waterbuck.  Reddish brown on the upper parts and flanks and white on the under sides and inner legs. The front of the forelegs and of the hocks are black and it has white patches around the eyes. Only the rams carry lyrate-shaped horns. The hooves of the Red Lewche are distinctly elongated, which is an adaption to the wet and soggy substrate of their preferred habitat. 

Within the Red Lewche's preferred habitat of marshlands, swamps and shallowly inundated floodplains of up to 500mm deep. Red Lewche browse on the lush green aquatic and semi-aquatic grasses. 

Activity for the Red Lewche peaks during the cooler hours of the morning and afternoon. Most animals prefer to rest during the heat of the midday. 

Hunting The Red Lewche

...A Few Things To Know

The ram stands about one metre at the shoulder and has a mass of about 80 kg. The hindquarters are noticeably higher than the forequarters. 

Rams are territorial and do not share space, whereas males which fail to establish territories congregate in bachelor herds. Terriroties are actively defended. Ewes and their offspring form breeding herds and move freely between territories of contesting territorial rams. Territorial behaviour may last up to a few months during the mating season. 

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